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Slither.io @ Gaming Club (Thursday After School)

Slither.io is a massive multiplayer browser game developed by Steve Howse in 2016. Players control a snake-like avatar, which consumes multicolored dots in the game to grow in size; the objective of the game is to grow the longest snake in the server. Slither.io is similar in concept to the popular 2015 web game, Agar.io and is reminiscent to the classic arcade game Snake. The game grew in popularity following its promotion among several prominent YouTube users such as Pewdiepie and Markiplier. The mobile version of the game topped the App Store shortly after its release. Gaming club host a competition each Thursday after school to see how can get the highest score. The current score board is this:
  1. Garreth
  2. Phillip
  3. Daniel
  4. Kyle
If you would like a chance to be at the top of the leaderboard, come along, after school on a Thursday, to The Hive.