Learn to Learn

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What Type of Learner are You?

"I like to listen to things being explained"

"I learn better if I can read information out loud"

"I find noises very distracting when I am studying"

You are an Auditory Learner!

- Try revising with friends and discuss what you have learned; by going over it you will reinforce what you have learned.

- Read your work out loud and repeat it. Try using funny voices too!

- Play music in the background as you study - try with different styles of music to see which ones help you to learn.

- Get someone to ask you questions about your work - each time that you answer a question you will refresh your memory.

"I like watching demonstrations so I can see what I am learning"

"I learn better if I have graphics and pictures"

"I find it difficult to listen to explanations and remember what I have heard"


 You are a Visual Learner!

-Try using pictures, mind-maps and flowcharts.

- Use lots of different colours to help you revise - try a mixture of pens, pencils and highlighters. 

- If you have pages of things to memorise, try displaying key facts in different areas of your home to     that each time you pass them, you refresh your memory.

"I like taking part in activities and remember more if I can be more hands-on"

" I learn better if I can try something myself and enjoy practical tasks" 

"I find it difficult to learn by just listening but sometimes writing things down helps"



You are a Kinesthetic Learner!

- Try putting notes on cards and putting them in sequence and reshuffling them.

- Walk between notes placed in different places (on walls or floors).

- Stand up, stretch or exercise every 20 minutes to allow yourself to refocus.

- Draw pictures or mind-maps and run your finger across the  page whilst reading aloud when you are    revising.

Be a Study Superstar!

Give yourself a break!

Work in short slots and have breaks in between - this way your brain can refocus on the task and this will make you more productive.

Know what is expected of you!

If you are revising for a test, make sure you have an idea of what the questions might be. If you know that the test is on a specific subject, spend your time revising the key facts that you may need. If you know that your work will be marked, ask if you can see the marks scheme and use it as a checklist for what you need to learn and include in your answers.

Plan your revision!

Set yourself goals to revise certain subjects - if you have a timetable and some structure to your learning then you will make better use of your time and be more effective.

Look after yourself!

Make sure that you are getting enough sleep and are eating healthily, your body will feel more refreshed and your brain will be ready to learn.

Take a look at the Exam Time website for lots more useful study tips!